Made with ❤️ in Antalya
16 JUNE 2022 - 20:30 - AKRA HOTELS, ANTALYA
Mark Eliyahu
Kamancha master Mark Eliyahu delivers deep melodies with a dynamic performance and standing out with his music that makes you feel the spirit, sorrow and joy of an East and West fusion with the harmony of percussions and strings, will be on stage at the festival.
Taking the audience on a meaningful journey with his music by creating a fusion of East and West, Mark Eliyahu, who has composed music for many dance shows, plays and films so far, delivers his vast knowledge of Turkish, Iranian and Azerbaijani music, which he has gained throughout his career where he has never stopped composing.
Mark Eliyahu, Kamancheh
Piris Eliyahu, Tar
Rony Iwryn, Percussions
Haim Weiss, Keyboards
Yaacov Segal, Guitar
Esra Kayıkçı Band
Esra Kayıkçı Band will be on stage before Mark Eliyahu.
Esra Kayıkçı, Vocals & Double Bass
Hakan Kamalı, Guitar
Orhan Deniz, Bass Clarinet & Fretless Bass
Fırtına Kıral, Drums